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Recovery Coach and Mentoring

What is a Recovery Coach and Mentor?


A Recovery Coach is a new NDIS support item for participants with a psychosocial disability who require support managing complex challenges of daily living.


The aim is to increase participants’ social and economic independence and participation through the provision of capacity building supports.


Recovery coaches will focus on coaching participants in managing their lives and will collaborate with other services to support these outcomes.


Recovery coaches will work collaboratively with participants, their families, carers and other services to design, plan and implement a recovery plan, and assist with the coordination of NDIS and other supports. 


What does a Recovery Coach do?


Participants will have the option of selecting a recovery coach with lived experience or a recovery coach with learned knowledge of psychosocial disability and mental health. 


Specifically, recovery coaches support people to:


  • develop and support recovery-enabling relationships for participants

  • support participants with their recovery planning

  • coach participants to increase their recovery skills and personal capacity 

  • ensure that other supports are recovery-oriented

  • support engagement with the NDIS

  • assist with plan implementation


Recovery coaches will work with a participants’ family, carers and relevant service providers to implement a recovery plan. 


Contact the team at Next Wave and discuss your options.


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