What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) implements the NDIS.
The NDIS supports people with a disability to live an ordinary life. The type of support that is provided includes:
Support to achieve greater independence
Support being more involved in the community
Support in gaining employment, and
Support with improved wellbeing
The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help people to achieve their goals. The NDIS will not fund supports and services that are funded under mainstream services, but they will help the individuals connect to those services.
Reasonable and necessary supports are associated with day-to-day living and help to improve a person's participation in their community and the workforce.
A resource or piece of equipment, such as a wheelchair, assistive technology or home and car modifications, to help you live an ordinary life
helpful in building the skills a person needs to live the life they want, such as opportunities to work, further their education, volunteer or learn something new.
To better understand how the NDIS supports people, their families, and carers, visit www.ndis.gov.au or call 1800 800 110.
To be eligible for the NDIS, a person must:
Have a significant and permanent disability that substantially reduces their functional capacity, or they need access to early intervention supports
Be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, or a protected Special Category Visa holder
Be under the age of 65 when first applying to become a participant
Live in an area where the NDIS has begun
Where applicable, meet the age/or phasing requirements for that area during the staged roll-out across Australia
How to apply
Step 1. Fill in the NDIS Access Checklist
Step 2. Contact the NDIA for an Access request form on 1800 800 110
Step 3. Read Accessing the NDIS to understand the type of evidence required to support an access request
If you are a Mental Health carer, please click on this link for additional information and tips for communicating about psychosocial disability during the access assessment phase. When the person you care for has been assessed as eligible to access the scheme, you can support them to begin preparing for the planning meeting by completing the mental health carer checklist.
For younger people living in residential aged care, nominees can click on this link for specific information on confirming eligibility.
Review process
The NDIA has several review pathways available to people with disabilities, where they have been assessed as ineligible. Please click on the following link to understand the NDIS's Review of Decisions process.
You may also choose to receive support, by contacting an advocacy service provider in your state or territory, to support your preparation in re-applying for the NDIS.
For more information on the NDIS please visit their website: www.ndis.gov.au